

Autonomic Nervous System Test (ANS) at AD Precision Health

Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) testing is a diagnostic tool that assesses the communication between the brain and various organs like the heart, lungs, digestive system, and more. This test helps determine the health of a person’s autonomic nervous system and provides the doctor with recommendations to improve it. ANS testing is a simple, painless procedure that lasts 7-15 minutes and involves monitoring changes in heart rate and blood pressure during a series of actions. The test provides insight into both branches of the autonomic nervous system - the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems.

Benefits of ANS Testing

ANS testing is an effective way to diagnose and treat a range of illnesses like hypertension, diabetes, coronary artery disease, and autonomic dysfunctions. It also provides valuable information about how to improve overall health by addressing fatigue and stress. The test results help doctors identify areas of the autonomic nervous system that may be out of balance.

At AD Precision Health, we prioritize patient care and strive to enhance our patients’ overall health and quality of life. Our ANS testing is a non-invasive and safe procedure that provides doctors with important information about a patient's autonomic balance.

  • Diagnose and treat various illnesses
  • Address fatigue and stress
  • Identify areas that are out of balance
  • Improve overall health and quality of life

Before Your ANS Test

Before undergoing an ANS test, it's important to inform your doctor about any medications and supplements you are taking that could affect the results. It's also recommended to avoid eating or drinking anything two hours before the test to ensure accurate results. If you have a cardiovascular condition like hypertension, it's important to inform your doctor.

Ankle-Brachial Index Test (ABI)
at AD Precision Health

The Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI) test is a quick and non-invasive way to check for peripheral artery disease (PAD). This test is painless and similar to taking blood pressure. During the test, a technician measures blood pressure in both your arms and legs using an inflatable cuff. The results of the ABI test are a comparison of blood pressure at the ankles and arms. A low ankle-brachial index number indicates a narrowing or blockage of the arteries in the legs, increasing the risk of circulatory problems and heart disease or stroke.

Benefits of ABI Testing

Ankle-brachial index testing helps diagnose PAD and detect blockages in the arteries of the arms and legs. It also provides insight into the severity of a PAD diagnosis. If the test results are within the normal range, it means there's no blockage in the arteries and no additional treatment is needed. However, if the results are high, further testing may be required.

At AD Precision Health, we believe in comprehensive patient care and the importance of understanding our patients’ circulatory system. Our ABI test is a non-invasive and safe procedure that provides valuable insight into the circulatory system and helps diagnose any potential issues.

  • Help diagnose peripheral artery disease
  • Detect blockages in the arteries
  • Provide insight into the severity of a PAD diagnosis
  • Offer valuable insight into the circulatory system

Before Your ABI Test

Before taking an ABI test, it's recommended to wear loose, comfortable clothing and remove any jewelry from your legs or arms. Avoid wearing socks with bumps or ridges, as this can interfere with accurate readings. Additionally, don't smoke before the test, as this can lead to false results.